Image: The Outdoor Studio
I recently saw on Instagram a post on the AdventureQueensUK page asking for "intrepid women, with an inspiring story to share." Of course, I immediately replied to her - anything involving water and adventure and I'm there!

Calling all Adventure Queens, Kent-based photographer Charlotte Broster of The Outdoor Studio was searching for women to be involved in her #MakingWaves project. Charlotte captures these portraits and extracts these stories on the Kent coast because the beach is a liberating place to be photographed, synonymous with the themes of adventure, freedom and identity. Entering the sea also signifies the desire to venture out of your comfort zone and depicts a real strength in character.
I contacted Charlotte and told her how I live near the sea and about my experience of running the Shingle Street Bluetits and how these amazing swimmers in the group inspire me all the time. I told her that in the sea I find freedom and adventure, that I love being around water, and that I have found so many friendships in the water.
I sent Charlotte my blog post about it here: https://www.natashasoneseditorial.com/post/a-marriage-of-friendship-in-water
Charlotte replied to say that she found the theme of finding your tribe really strong and she could relate to it. We found a date we could both agree on and I invited Emmie - the perfect companion as we met due to swimming and are now very good friends. We have been on a few trips together since meeting and just get on really well.

Image: The Outdoor Studio
The #MakingWaves Project
What the drive behind this project is, for Charlotte, is that she is fascinated by people’s stories. "I’d like to document a lot more in my journalistic style. I want to make people happy and I want to be happy myself.”
She wrote down the above aspiration in 2019 when the idea behind the brand The Outdoor Studio was born. Fast forward to 2022 and she has found a way to make all this happen.
The #MakingWavesProject is a platform for the empowering stories she was hunting for. It is enabling her to be the avid photographer and journalist she always wanted to be.
The Shoot
Just after May Day Emmie and I went to Tankerton in Kent to meet Charlotte just before sunset. It was a gorgeous day with a lovely blue sky. We had lunch in a lovely pub in Whitstable and the spent the afternoon on the beach. At the end of the afternoon we went and got ready in a hotel bathroom, before meeting with Charlotte.

We met for a walk, chat and shoot. It was low tide so there was a vast expanse of beach. Although it was cloudy and no visible sunset, the sea was incredibly still. Walking along with Charlotte, Emmie and I told her the story of our wild swimming journeys and our friendship.
She jotted down a few notes on her phone and made us feel really at ease. We immediately bonded over being mothers and struggling to find our own identity after having children.
We started off with some photos sitting on the beach then progressed onto walking along whilst Charlotte took photos in her wellies. Even though it was cloudy it was really warm and we were having a whale of a time.

Image: The Outdoor Studio
We started walking around in the water, splashing and laughing - all whilst Charlotte clicked away with her camera. The time passed really quickly and soon it was the end of the shoot. We walked into the sea in our costumes and ended up laying in the mud splashing! We had such a fun time and it was lovely to share it all with Charlotte.
We received the pictures a few weeks later and we loved them so much we ordered some more.
The Outdoor Studio
Featuring adventurous photography on the Kent coast Charlotte instills adventure in all that she does. Check out her work and more information about the project at www.theoutdoorstudio.co.uk

Image: The Outdoor Studio
If you would like to be photographed in this empowering way and have something to say, however big or small, get in touch with Charlotte. You don’t have to bring a story. Her outdoor branding sessions are £195 and a worthwhile investment for entrepreneurs out there looking to put a face to their business.
Check out the mermaids she has photographed so far on her blog.