I went for my first outdoor swim of 2021! In the beautiful Shingle Street lagoon. The weather is so mild now, compared to how it has been.
It was very refreshing, didn't stay in too long but my new full length wetsuit was great. A worthwhile investment.
I went with my friend Emma, it was her first winter swim and she was brave enough to go in her swimsuit! Much braver than I am. I haven't quite progressed to skins yet.
I have recently started an outdoor swimming group, the Shingle Street Bluetits. This is a branch of the Bluetits Chill Swimmers! No club fees, registration, rules, requirements, expectations. The Bluetit mission is to create a confident, capable community through cold water swimming and adventures.

The group now has 35 members and a few have received their badges for first swim as a Bluetit.
We have a Facebook group, if you are interested - join us!
